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Bits and Bobs
Words that come to me as they will.
sick note
rest now, my love - there is a war raging inside your body
the least you can do
you need to understand - the choice you made means any residual stirrings that may reside in your heart need to be sequestered indefinitely
the mere act of treading water is revolutionary in the face of currents that are constantly conspiring to pull you under.
every monsoon exhausts itself eventually
i wrote like a wildfire all night used my words as breadcrumbs to guide myself out of the black forest until my hands shook and the moon...
the outsourcing of pain
spite doesn’t flatter me i know but if i could make you feel even half of the turbulence that’s been ravaging my headspace i would do it...
faux koan
what is the value of a relationship where desire only flows in one direction?
make no mistake — i have made some royal messes in my twenty-five years of living everything from tornado-ravaged rooms to residual...
this too
lean into the darkness mold your body to every crevice of the gaping chasm into which you’ve fallen until you are secure in the knowledge...
april showers bring may flowers
if pain is weakness leaving the body judging by the monsoons that have struck my eyes of late i must have a lifetime’s worth aching to be...
all or nothing
i am not in the habit of letting other people choose which parts of me they get to keep
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