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Bits and Bobs
Words that come to me as they will.
i tried to stay away — turned the haiku they wrote us the other way rationed myself to scraps of non-fiction hid the books i craved under...
in the absence of control, i create it
i do not have the luxury of languishing in loneliness marinating in misery not now not when i’m within kissing distance of the finish...
the necessity of heartache
and do we not need the occasional storm to banish idle dust soak our lands fertile prepare our seeds to germinate to their highest...
i am sorry that leaving me was so hard for you the sting of my words is still living under your skin over a year later
you swallow light whole.
how experience is distilled
through the great sieve of time.
the way you imposed your desires on me
like asking a cactus to grow in a monsoon.
no small accident
i’ve come to believe the obstacles we encounter are the marriage between fate and happenstance, hand-picked to nurture the unlikeliest...
when not to compromise
present your boundaries unapologetically not as deficiencies but as a non-negotiable fact of the matter a sanctuary your soul’s dwelling...
how is it that despite your various transgressions my heart still lurches towards you like a flower chasing the sun?
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