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Bits and Bobs
Words that come to me as they will.
remind me again why i should put up with this rabbit hole of anxiety when i can take myself to heaven and back with the flick of a wand?
time is an ingredient
to say you wounded me viscerally would be a matter of fact. eating hurt - salt and sugar marinated my mouth in an unholy fire. breathing...
resilience (i)
when all of your leaves have withered. but you are planted so firmly that a typhoon could not dream of uprooting you.
bomb cyclone
i freeze oceans in my fury.
note to the guy on my floor who looks like my ex
i am sorry if i recoil like a patient undergoing shock therapy every time we pass it’s just that you bear the cross of an uncanny...
what i remember the most was how i shook the whole day after even cocooned in my comforter surrounded by friends who had become family my...
boundaries not barriers
even the heaviest fog lifts her veil when light whispers in her ear
why don’t you focus on fixing your own face
“sweetheart, why don’t you try smiling a little?”
pain is never far behind
like going grocery shopping when hungry
dating while fixing for company.
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