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Bits and Bobs
Words that come to me as they will.
that is the moment you walk away | you deserve someone who is certain about you
when someone admits that they have no idea what they want with you.
i am taking myself apart so i can pull myself together
too bad i am looking to be set aflame
you, my love are all light and no heat
celestial spool
there is no grand mystery to be solved; only a celestial spool continuously unwinding.
you must learn to love your heart instead
the things you want will only come to you when you stop trying to escape yourself
it is like basking in sunshine
awareness dawns when you stop fighting the present
the myth of well-roundedness
why would you round off your edges when you were born with such crystalline angles?
how not to hold out for someone
we’ve poured so much water onto this piece of wood, there’s no way it can catch fire now. perhaps a spark will rise from this waterlogged...
it will find you when you’re ready
love will not be hunted like an animal
it is a language beyond reason
i am sure that in some language the word for love is the same as the one for madness
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